Archivi categoria: Macroseismic Catalogue of Georgia

1936 M 3.6 earthquake (1936.05091024)

This earthquake occurred on 09/05/1936 at 10:24 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 3.6 Ms (4.5 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 13 km (Kondorskaya and Shebalin, 1982). The IDPs range from 3 to 5-6 (MSK) and are located between Georgia and Armenia.

IDPs number: 15; Areal extent (WGS84): (40.833-41.697°N; 43.950-45.549°E); Rhypo range (km): 23-113.


1940 M 4.9 earthquake (1940.03092008)

This earthquake occurred on 09/03/1940 at 20:08 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 4.9 Ms (5.4 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 17 km (Kondorskaya and Shebalin, 1982). The IDPs range from 3-4 to 6 (MSK) and are located between Georgia and Armenia.

IDPs number: 32; Areal extent (WGS84): (40.790-42.325°N; 42.812-44.832°E); Rhypo range (km): 20-123.

1940 M 6.0 Tabatskuri earthquake (1940.05072223)

This earthquake occurred on 07/05/1940 at 22:23 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 6.0 Ms (6.1 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 16 km (Kondorskaya and Shebalin, 1982). The IDPs range from 3-4 to 8 (MSK) and are located between Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia.

IDPs number: 370; Areal extent (WGS84): (39.961-43.405°N; 40.117-46.650°E); Rhypo range (km): 17-357.

1941 M 4.7 Menji earthquake (1941.06150128)

This earthquake occurred on 15/06/1941 at 01:28 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 4.7 Ms (5.2 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 9 km (Kondorskaya and Shebalin, 1982). The IDPs range from 3 to 6-7 (MSK) and are all located in western Georgia.

IDPs number: 24; Areal extent (WGS84): (41.928-42.746°N; 41.608-43.285°E); Rhypo range (km): 10-98.

1947 M 5.5 Gudamakari earthquake (1947.08150411)

This earthquake occurred on 15/08/1947 at 04:11 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 5.5 Ms (5.8 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 25 km (Kondorskaya and Shebalin, 1982). The IDPs range from 3-4 to 7 (MSK) and are located between Georgia and Russia.

IDPs number: 110; Areal extent (WGS84): (41.092-44.049°N; 41.825-45.667°E); Rhypo range (km): 14-267.

1988 M 3.3 earthquake (1988.09090102)

This earthquake occurred on 09/09/1988 at 01:02 UTC. It has a given magnitude of 3.3 Ms (4.3 Mw) and an hypocentral depth of 5 km (Varazanashvili, 2017). The IDPs range from 3-4 to 5-6 (MSK) and are all located in Georgia.

IDPs number: 44; Areal extent (WGS84): (41.600-42.342°N; 43.204-44.426°E); Rhypo range (km): 6-58.