Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at University of Milan Bicocca, and University of Milan-Bicocca Dating Center, Italy

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University of Milan-Bicocca Dating Center:

The present project involves the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and the “University of Milan-Bicocca Dating Center”, both hosted at the University of Milan Bicocca (UNIMIB). These two institutes and the UNIMIB in general are characterised by an intellectual environment where independent research can be carried out. UNIMIB was funded in 1998 as a modern multidisciplinary campus, nowadays a focal point for over 30,000 students and 1500 researchers and lecturers. It currently is ranked at the 21st position in the world among the universities that are younger than 50 years. It hosts 8 Faculties, 21 Research Departments, and one Medical School.

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences focuses on a multidisciplinary approach to Earth Sciences with a special emphasis on recent and active processes and their effects on the territory. Most of that focus has centered on natural hazard assessment and mitigation, which are conducted in close collaboration with a large number of other national and international institutions worldwide. This is reflected both in research as well as in teaching, which also benefits from a large number of visiting professors, lecturers and students. Among the topics and related lines of research developed within the Department, the most relevant in terms of the proposed research are: (1) structural geology; (2) geologic and geomorphological evolution of mountain belts; (3) hazard scenarios related to earthquakes, floods, landslide, coastal erosion; (4) environmental monitoring and geophysics, (5) application of GIS techniques for modern cartography; (6) neotectonics and paleoseismology; (7) engineering geology for mitigation strategies. The Department has 28 full tenure track professors and researchers, plus 9 non-tenure researchers, who have at disposal 29 laboratories dedicated to the study of all Earth science disciplines, ranging  from electronic microanalyses to marine geology.

The University of Milan-Bicocca Dating Center has at its disposal all key facilities for dating rocks and deposits by way of different techniques including C14, AMS (connected with physical centre of Florence University), Optically-stimulated luminescence, Thermo-luminescence, Ar/Ar, K/Ar, Dendrochronology