Kostanay Engineering Economical University, Kazakhstan

University web address: www.kineu.kz

Kostanay Engineering Economic University, named after Mirzhakip Dulatov, was founded in 2007. The university has more than 8000 Bsc and Master students who study at ten Departments grouped into five Faculties. The university also hosts: the International Cooperation Department, the Department of Public Relations, the Computer Center, the Business Support Center, the Science and Technology Center, and the Training Center of Kazakh language. The university has 23 Bachelor programs and two Master specialties (scientific and pedagogical).
Research carried out by the various Departments mirrors the subject areas listed in KazGosNTI (№ 01.07RK00163) and aim to provide scientific and methodological assistance to business entities of all forms of ownership, skills development and PPP level of teaching embodied subjects. In particular, the university takes an active part in public tenders for public procurement of services for legal and methodological support of the development of Agro-industries, Water affairs and Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The University provides services for standards development, regulations and guidelines for development of the Social and Engineering infrastructure, Ecological safety and Environment protection on the theme «Development of engineering standards of alternative energy sources».
In regard to this NATO project, the Kostanay Engineering Economic University will contribute with its special organization that is committed to merging economical expertise with scientific-technological skills. More in detail, the topic of geohazards at energy infrastructures is a problem that comprises both the aspects of scientific investigations to quantify the effectiveness of geohazards, as well as all the economic aspects related to remediation measures and the possible decrease of efficiency of the energy facility, or even interruption of the energy production. For these reasons we believe that our multidisciplinary departments are the best source of skilled personnel useful for this interesting NATO project.
Kostanay Engineering Economical University has been participating in TEMPUS IV 511347-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR “Development and implementation of blended-learning bachelor specialty “Energy management” in universities of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan”. Since December 2013 the university has been taking part in the project 544601-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-SMGR Introduction of Quality Management in e-learning at the Central Asian universities (QAMEL).